
This field of plastic surgery has gained much popularity in the world in recent years. Some women express interest in such surgery after having gone through numerous births, while others simply wish to improve their natural anatomy. There are those women who wish to have such surgery done in order to improve their sexual satisfaction, and there are those who wish to reduce any disturbing friction in the area (which may, in turn, damage self-confidence). The reasons are varied, yet surgery can address all relevant concerns.

Vaginal wall narrowing surgery

This procedure is available for women who suffer from “loose” cervix walls , either due to natural child birth or genetics. The goal of surgery is to reconstruct the area such that a pleasing aesthetic appearance is restored. Furthermore, such surgery can help improve one’s sexual life. The surgery is easy to perform, and it is done under general anesthesia. After a brief recovery period lasting several hours only, the patient may be discharged home. One may return to active sexual activity only after 30 days of healing, and frequent baths are recommended to hasten complete recovery.

Labioplasty surgery

This aesthetic surgery is available for women who seek improvement of the physical appearance of the vagina. This surgery addresses the lower genital tissue (vulva). In particular, the sizes of the genital labia are decreased. This surgery can be performed under local anesthesia with generalized sedation, or under general anesthesia. Duration of surgery is approximately 30 minutes. At the end of surgery, one must be supervised for several hours but can then be discharged home (same day). To ease any local pain and expedite healing, frequent baths are recommended. One may return to active sexual activity only after 30 days of healing.

After any of these two surgeries, a gynecological follow-up is recommended.

The complications from these surgeries are extremely rare, and may include:

Opening of surgical wound sutures
Temporary changes in local sensation
Abnormal scarring
Necessity for additional surgery
For more in-depth information regarding these procedures, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Inbar.
After any of these two surgeries, a gynecological follow-up is recommended.
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